Many people make resolutions for the new year. Whatever goal you set, don’t forget about your smile. Your oral health has a direct impact on your overall health. Since it’s the gatekeeper to the rest of your body, and often the first thing people notice about you, why not make it your priority for 2022? We have a few resolutions for you to make so your smile stays healthy and beautiful.
Keep your regular dental cleanings and exams.
If you are brushing and flossing, you are already ahead of the game! But if you aren’t keeping regular appointments for checkups and cleanings, you are missing a huge part of maintaining your oral health. Not only do we thoroughly clean your mouth, but we also look out for problems in your mouth. We like to get ahead of problems before they become really big. So, schedule an appointment with us today, so you can stay ahead of your dental care.
Make sure to get quality sleep.
It’s important to sleep well at night. Having a restful sleep maintains the health of your entire body, helps you fight infections, lowers your risk of any major health issues, reduces stress, and improves your mood. But bad habits like grinding your teeth at night can be detrimental to your teeth and you may not even be realizing you do it. If you notice you deal with jaw pain or have fractured or chipped teeth, we’d love to help you conquer this bad habit with a custom-made mouthguard that will protect your teeth. We can also recommend restorative services that will rebuild your smile.
Be confident when you grin.
If you hide your smile or feel ashamed about the way your teeth look, it’s time to change all that. There’s no shame in improving your appearance and it’s never too late to fix up your teeth. From teeth whitening or something more extensive like a whole smile makeover, we can help you regain your self-confidence. Before you know it, you’ll be showing off your smile in pictures.
Don’t ignore problems in your mouth.
It’s never good to ignore the pain inside of your mouth. Sometimes people avoid addressing dental problems because they are nervous about the dentist. but we’d love to help you conquer that fear. When you visit our office, our dental team will treat you with the utmost of care and attention. We’ll answer your questions and address any of your concerns. With our restorative care services, we’ll get rid of the pain in your mouth.
Stop any bad habits.
Let’s make 2022 the year you kick any unhealthy habits to the curb. Habits like smoking and eating too many sugary treats can do significant damage to your dental health. Smoking can impact the health of your gum and mouth and cause more serious problems later down the road. Sugar also has a negative impact on your teeth, and the ones that are really sticky can even cause cavities. It’s never too late to have a healthy start, so let’s make this the year you conquer these issues.
We’d love to help you with your new year’s resolutions. For help with your healthy smile in Tampa, FL, call Doering Family Dental today at 813-590-6649 or schedule online.